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The How, When and Why of Forest Farming Users Guide.
How to Use This Site
The Learning section of the site presents seven units on different topics in forest farming.
To choose a unit, you may use the link labeled "Return to Learning Home" (above) or the link, "Start Another Unit" (brown box to the right). In each unit, you can navigate using the "previous" and "next" links on the top right, or see the sections on the right, in the brown box.
Many of the units incorporate video presentations. Video presentations are represented
by the icon which begins this paragraph. All the video used in the HWWFF is in mp4 format and can be viewed in Windows Media Player and other video players.
Each unit has a series of readings. Most of these require Adobe Acrobat reader to view.
Many computers come with this installed by default; If you do not have it installed you
can download it for free from the Adobe website.
Several of the documents on the HWWFF site are Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
You can download a PowerPoint viewer for free from the Microsoft website.
Web links are grouped with this icon. These sites have been selected to provide the
online information on forest farming which complements the unit contents.
Software Requirements
To complete this course you will need a number of software applications installed on your computer.
All these applications can be downloaded for free on the internet.
The software you will need includes: