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The HWWFF Learning Units
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[Orange Jewelweed Photo]
Orange Jewelweed

About the Learning Units

The resource units are comprised of different combinations of web text and images, video clips, power point presentations, text files (PDF), and links to other on-line information sources.

HWWFF User's Guide
If you are just starting out, or have any questions about using the learning units, read this guide.

What's Covered in Each Unit

Unit 1: Introduction to Forest Farming
What is Forest Farming?
What are examples of forest farming in practice?

Unit 2: Site Assessment and Crop Selection
What tools and information are available to help you decide what crops to grow?
What crops are most suitable for your forest land?

Unit 3: Forest Farming Medicinal Crops
What makes ginseng and goldenseal good forest farming crops?
What are sound techniques for cultivating these medicinal herbs?
What are other candidate medicinal crops?

Unit 4: Forest Farming Mushrooms
What makes gourmet mushrooms good forest farming crops?
What are sound techniques for cultivating mushrooms in woodlands?

Unit 5: Forest Farming Maple Sugar
What makes maple sugar production a good forest farming practice?
What are sound techniques for forest farming maple sugar?

Unit 6: Forest Farming Fruits and Nuts
What makes fruits and nuts good forest farming crops?
What are sound techniques for producing fruits and nuts in woodlands?

Unit 7: Marketing Specialty Forest Crops
What characteristics of specialty forest crops require attention in processing and marketing?
What are effective processing and marketing methods for forest farmed products?
